Adamson House | The Morson Story - Part 8
Morson Group has been celebrating 50 years in business in 2019. As part of our celebrations, we’ve created a book about the business; its foundations, its growth and its people.
Over the next six weeks, we’re going to be releasing excerpts from the book, charting the Morson story from its earliest days to the present day.
A decade of growth, inspiration and diversity
By 2009, it was clear the offices at Stableford Hall would not be able to accommodate Morson’s future expansion plans; expansion that was both organic and driven by the acquisition of companies to help the business grow into new territories and sectors.

In January 2010, Morson moved into Adamson House, a brand new, purpose-built headquarters on Centenary Way in Salford. Only a few miles from the Eccles home where Gerry founded the business in 1969, the location choice was as much about celebrating its geographic roots as it was logistics. Having purchased the land from Peel’s Sir John Whittaker, this bespoke build enabled them to create offices that met the growing needs of the business, including a range of staff facilities such as a gym and prayer room. At the time, Ged commented:
“Remaining in Salford helps us retain the staff we’ve got, it’simportant for them to be local. It also consolidatesthe position of all the branch offices inthis region.”
500 staff would move in to these new offices to be responsible for managing over 10,000 contractors worldwide. And whilst the move marked a time for celebration, the northern weather wasn’t quite cooperating.
Sue Armitage, who has worked on Morson International’s switchboard and reception since 1999, remembers the first days at Adamson House well:
“It was an awful winter, the snow was incredible,” she says. “I was trying to getto work and there was a trail of us all driving ineach other’s tracks. When I finally got there andopened the switchboard, it erupted with callsfrom concerned family members checking theirloved ones had made it in to work safely; on topof all the usual business calls.”
“And then Ged called. ‘Are you okay? Iseverything alright? I’m stuck in my car but I’m coming,’ he said. It got so busy after that andlater in the morning, one of the accountantscame in saying ‘Ged sent me to help you, whatdo you want me to do to help?’ So, we endedup working together; me taking message aftermessage and her rushing around to take themall over the building.”
With the weather doing its worst outside, it would take nearly two weeks before a thaw brought normality to life at Adamson House. After a freezing start to its life the building received its warmer official opening in September 2010, attended by Sir Alex Ferguson and local artist Harold Riley, an old family friend.
Watch our video, ’No Finish Line: The Story So Far’ and hear the Morson story as told by those who have been part of it