Reflections on the Rail Forum Parliamentary Reception
Gary Smithson, Rail Director at Morson talent discusses the event and why it was important for Morson to be represented at the Rail Forum Parliamentary Reception.

At Morson, part of the way in which we add value for our clients and our candidates is to keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening in their industry. We work hard to gather insight and connect with the people who influence everything from policy to innovation so that we can be a true partner with the right advice and mix of services.
An example of this was our attendance at the annual Rail Forum Parliamentary Reception this week; an invitation-only gathering of rail industry stakeholders and policy influencers, which took place at the House of Commons Terrace Pavilion.
Morson is a Gold Member of the Rail Forum, a status that not only enables us to connect with senior level decision-makers across the rail industry supply chain, but also gives us a seat at the table as knowledge is shared, issues are discussed and potential opportunities are identified.
The Rail Forum Parliamentary Reception held this week was the 14th of its kind, and the fifth I have attended personally, thanks to Morson’s long-standing membership. Melanie Fowler, one of our Client Relationship Managers attended the event with me. As both Morson and the rail industry as a whole tackle the need for greater gender diversity and inclusivity in the sector, it was fitting that we should demonstrate our commitment to those goals with representation on our own team.
The event provided a great opportunity to catch up with several of our rail industry and supply chain clients, as well as a chance to make new contacts, and absorb fresh insights about the current challenges and direction of travel for rail.
It enabled us to outline our wide-ranging service offering for rail too; from recruitment and talent acquisition, through to contractor and contingency labour, HR and screening services, and training. The rail sector is complex, and it is clear that our knowledge, along with our ability to provide multi-faceted services across a varied array of people and skills requirements delivers value for industry partners from across the rail landscape.
With both the current Rail Minister and Shadow Rail Minister speaking at the event, the Parliamentary Reception was an opportunity to explore the influence of politics and policy on the rail sector, with the challenges of infrastructure, rolling stock availability, and skills gaps across the supply chain all featuring in the key note speeches. Rail Minister, Huw Merriman MP, mapped out both the journey ahead and the obstacles to be overcome in his address, while his opposite number, Shadow Rail Secretary, Stephen Morgan MP, emphasised the importance of the rail sector and rail travel for the UK economy.
There was no silver bullet or big announcement at the event, but there didn’t need to be. Everyone in the room understands that rail is a dynamic and demanding environment – at Morson, responding to those challenges is both our forte and our passion.
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