It's time to Spring clean your CV. Here's how.
The sun is peeking out from behind the clouds and flowers are popping up all over the place. It can only mean one thing: spring has finally sprung.

It’s a season typically associated with fresh starts, which is why so many people declutter their living space at this time of year. But it’s not just our homes that benefit from some sprucing up; our professional profiles can also thrive with a bit of spring cleaning. Don’t know where to start? You’re in the right place. Our talent solutions specialists have compiled their top tips and expert advice to help you polish your CV until it shines.
Oh and by the way, about that cover letter you might want to include. You probably shouldn’t, and here’s why.
Pick the right format
There are several formats that you can use for your CV, but the two main ones are traditional and skills-based. A traditional CV lists your education, experience, skills and interests, starting with the most recent first. If your experience closely matches those required for the job you’re applying for and you’ve had continuous employment with few gaps, this is a good choice. As the name suggests, a skills-based CV highlights your skills, with information (i.e., examples of these skills) provided in bullet points under different headers (e.g., communication or leadership). If you’re early on in your career or are changing careers and need to emphasise transferable skills, this format can be useful.
Have a clear-out
Just like clearing out the clothes you bought years ago and haven’t worn (we’re looking at you, low-rise jeans), cutting outdated information from your CV makes room to showcase your most recent accomplishments. Remove old job roles that no longer align with your career path and, instead, highlight your latest achievements, which will be far more relevant to prospective employers. It’s also important to tailor your CV for each application, focusing on the experience and skills that best match the job description. Conciseness is key, so try not to exceed two pages.
Showcase your strengths
A good CV is one that makes the reader want to meet you. That’s the main purpose of a CV – to land you that all-important interview. So, when writing your descriptions, focus on highlighting your responsibilities, what you achieved and how you contributed as part of a team. The CAR mnemonic (context, action words, results) can be useful here. If you’re new to this, context covers the company name, job title and dates of employment, while action words are great for starting each point within your description (e.g., ‘created a system’ or ‘managed a team’) and results include metrics and successes to showcase the impact your contributions had.
Weed out mistakes
Errors in your CV are like weeds in a garden; they detract from the overall appeal. Carefully proofread your CV for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Better yet, have a friend or professional review it to ensure it’s flawless. In a similar vein, make sure your contact information is up-to-date and professional (an email address that might have been humorous when you were in your twenties can appear unprofessional in a job application. Consider creating a dedicated email address for your job search if necessary.
Add some colour
Before you print your CV onto pastel paper, hold on! What we actually mean here is that, although it’s important to maintain professionalism, you shouldn’t be afraid to add a touch of personality to your CV. Whether it’s a splash of colour in the headings or a creative layout, distinguishing your CV from the piles of monotonous black and white documents can catch a recruiter’s eye.
Don’t forget keywords
In today’s digital age, some companies use automated systems to screen CVs for specific keywords related to the job. Research the role you’re applying for and sprinkle relevant keywords throughout your CV to increase its chances of getting ‘seen’ by human eyes after it passes through the automated gatekeepers.
Now that you’ve read our top tips, it’s time to declutter and refresh your CV to reflect the best version of your professional self. Happy spring cleaning – and here’s to the bright career future that awaits!
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