Our guide on maintaining the holiday work life balance
We all know that during the festive season all we want to do is sing along to Mariah Carey and eat party food. But, in all seriousness, we still need to get the job done despite all the inherent distractions.
For that reason, we give you a few tips to help with maintaining the holiday work-life balance…
Get organised
This applies to almost every part of surviving the festive season, organisation is key! To avoid stressing at work and having to rush out on your lunch break on last-minute Christmas errands, start organising well in advance of the big day. Schedule some time in for shopping, wrapping, decorating and those niggly bits you need to get done so that when the special day comes around, you can take a back seat.
If you’re planning on having some time off over the Christmas period, make sure you factor that into your work schedule to ensure you don’t fall behind. It always pays to have a plan!
Set a ‘get things done’ day
One good way to ensure you tick everything off your to-do list is to book a day off work in the run-up to Christmas and make it your ‘get things done’ day. We all know how busy the shops can be at the weekend and when you work 9-5, five days a week, it’s really the only time you can go. If you book a holiday at work and create a checklist of tasks you need to get done, you’ll be surprised how much you can tick off in one, super organised day!
Make time for yourself
Set specific days or times in your schedule to commit yourself solely to work, and the rest of your time to your personal life. Not focusing on ourselves is something we’re all guilty of, especially over the Christmas period. But we don’t need an expert to work out that we can’t work at our best if our mind and body isn’t at its best also. It’s essential to get enough sleep and take time to relax in order to de-stress. This will help you perform better at work. Learning how to say ‘no’ can also be a life-saver (you don’t have to attend every festive drink outing!).
Enjoy what matters the most
All in all, you can’t please everyone over the Christmas period. Identify your priorities and what’s most important to you, then go from there. Then draw firm boundaries so you can devote quality time to these priorities. The Christmas period is such a special time and when you’re at home make sure you put away the laptop and mute the email notifications to ensure you spend quality time with your family.
If you think you’re ready for a career change this festive season, search the opportunities at Morson today.