Morson supports veterans with dedicated recruitment event in Bournemouth
On Thursday 14th November 2024, Morson’s ex-forces recruitment team descended on the Vitality Stadium in Bournemouth to host our largest-ever dedicated ex-forces recruitment event.
Joined by well over a dozen multi-discipline clients and exhibitors across aerospace, defence, rail, digital, construction and more, over 130 ex-forces veterans attended the day of networking, workshops and exhibitions.
Bournemouth was chosen as the most suitable location for the event following a survey of ex-forces candidates from previous events and across the Morson Group social channels.
See what some veterans thought of the day in the video below:
Life in the armed forces can be tough, but for many veterans, it’s the bit that comes afterwards that they find to be their biggest challenge. Thousands of highly skilled people leave the armed forces every year and face the often-daunting transition into civilian life and employment. With many veterans leaving the services without realising the breadth of skills and experience they have that makes them assets in the world of civilian employment, they can often be left unsure of what to do next. Our event was tailored around helping veterans find the right fit for their career after leaving the armed forces, as they look to life #BeyondTheUniform.
The day was split into two sections, with the first being a comprehensive CV tips and myth-busting session, hosted by veteran Dan McGuigan, which proved a popular part of the day. Veterans learned about the misapprehensions that veterans can have about what their transition may look like, as well as tips for how to overcome these and how to best present themselves both on paper and at interview.
The second part of the day featured our guest exhibitors, with guests free to network with them throughout the afternoon and find out what opportunities these forces-friendly organisations have for them.
Veterans were impressed by the breadth of knowledge and opportunities available at the event:
“I found the Morson event really useful. To have the opportunity to network with some of the businesses here has been great and the involvement has been much higher than you get at other careers events that I’ve been to in the past. The level of knowledge within Morson has been really high when it comes to service leavers, which has been really helpful then linking up with companies and employers who are specifically looking for ex-forces personnel.”
“Networking is important and we sometimes get enclosed from it in the army. So, we’re branching out and making contacts and talking to people we normally wouldn’t talk to. I’ve met a lot of different people that I wouldn’t normally speak to and different job roles I probably wouldn’t put my hand up for that seem to really fit my profile and what I’m looking for after leaving the army.”
“This has been the most informative and it’s the one event that I’ve taken on the most. I’m more or less it’s cleared the way as well. I have an end point and I feel like it’s definitely made that more clear how I get to get to that end point. I’d absolutely recommend the Morson Talent event in the future.”
Attention has turned to 2025, with the next Morson ex-forces recruitment event in the planning.
A huge thank you to our exhibitors who attended on the day, including:
ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK, Networkology, Telent Technology Services Ltd, Pro Rail Services, Frazer-Nash Consultancy, Bournemouth Airport, Whitetree, J.P. Morgan, Vital Human Resources (Rail, Resources, Solutions, Security), Fujitsu, DXC Technology, SNG (Sovereign Network Group), Drumgrange Ltd, StandardAero, Morson Projects, SNC Mission Systems, Chemring, Ascent Flight Training, Hugh James, Kier Group, BAE Systems, Liberty.
As a proud holder of the MoD Armed Forces Covenant Gold Award, we’ve been supporting veterans for over 25 years. Search our latest forces-friendly opportunities here, and join our ex-forces community by submitting your CV to our expert team.