Morson Group announce chosen charities to support in 2023!
Morson Group is delighted to announce that it has elected to support British Heart Foundation and Brain Tumour Research as its two 2023 charities.

In late 2022, following the conclusion of our fundraising for Teenage Cancer Trust and Refuge, Morson employees were invited to nominate both national and regional charities to support throughout 2023. It was a record year of nominations, with almost 100 worthy organisations put forward for support. These were shortlisted to 10 of the most popular, with a final vote going out across the Group.
The winners of the final vote were British Heart Foundation and Brain Tumour Research.
British Heart Foundation
British Heart Foundation funds around £100 million of research each year into heart and circulatory diseases and causes. This includes heart disease, stroke, vascular dementia and diabetes. Their vision is a world free from the fear of such diseases with an estimated 7 million people in the UK living with them, accounting for a quarter of all deaths.
Their research has helped improve and save the lives of many people who suffer from circulatory related diseases, from developing 3D printed hearts and internal defibrillators to regenerative medicines.
Brain Tumour Research
Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer, yet historically just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this disease. Brain Tumour Research is a charity that is determined to change that. They are the only charity in the UK focused on finding a cure for all types of brain tumours through campaigning to increase the national investment in brain tumour research to £35 million per year, while fundraising to create a network of seven sustainable research Centres of Excellence across the UK.
In June 2022, Dr Kevin Gorton, Morson Group managing director, lost his long battle with a brain tumour. Kevin spent over 35 with the business and was a friend and colleague to many. The nomination of Brain Tumour Research was in his name, in the hope that Morson can help eliminate brain cancer for future generations, as echoed by Morson Group CEO Ged Mason:
After another successful year of fundraising, it’s great to welcome two new charity partners on board. It was overwhelming to see the number of organisations that were nominated, over 100 in total across all our businesses, reflecting just how our core value of care is embedded across the Group. On a personal note, it’s touching to see Brain Tumour Research featured as one of our chosen charities, in memory of my dear friend in life and in business, Dr. Kevin Gorton, former managing director of the Morson Group, who we sadly lost last year. Our fundraising for them will be in memory of him, in the hope that we can contribute to building a world free from the disease.
Throughout 2022, our fundraising activities included bike rides, golf days, a charity concert featuring Russell Watson, and more. The total raised throughout the year will be announced in due course.
Find out more about Morson’s commitment to charity and community here